Name : Reska Susanti
Class : 4SA02
NPM : 10607146
Love You, Mom…
Because of you
I was born in this world
With full of struggle to save me
Protect me
Your big sacrifice
What you’ve done and given to me
I’m deeply grateful
Hug you
Love You, Mom
Please, Make Me Smile…
In this lonely place…..
So cloudy out there…..
In my room…..
Feel sorrowful…..
Please, anyone…..
Make me smile again…..
Cahaya Bintangku
Gelap gulita kau taburi dengan kerlip keindahan…..
Cahaya menyeimbangkan hati dan jiwa…..
Tatkala ku menatapmu…..
Menikamati pesonamu…..
Tak peduli jarak terbentang…..
Oh, Bintang…..
Oh, my prince with a white horse
I’m a loner woman
Who very needs someone
As my lover in life
Oh, my dream man
Ideal man
With your white horse
Come to me
Say to me
That u would be my lover
Waiting for u, my Prince
You Are There……
When I’m sad
When no one there to tell
You are there my friend
With ease, I can pour out
My sad feeling to you
Thank you
More than life
Family is very special in heart
And becoming part of life
Everything is family
My mother
My father
Brothers and sisters
I do not wanna be far away with my family
You all are gems of my life
I wanna say
Wahai ayah
Ayah ku tercinta
Ku merenung
Karena cintamu yang kau berikan
Untuk kami anak-anakmu
Tanpa kenal lelah
Kau berjuang dalam
Hari-hari dan rutinitasmu mencari nafkah dengan memeras keringat
Takkan ku lupa akan jasa-jasamu, ayah
Terima ksih atas apa yang kau berikan
Cinta Khayalan
Kini ku tlah sadar
Kini aku tlah terbangun dari,
Cinta yang selama ini kurasakan
Indahnya cinta yang kurasa
Bagai awan di atas cahaya
Bagai bintang yang benderang
Walau sukar untuk kugapai semua itu
Tapi trima kasih Tuhan
Tlah kau sempurnakan
Tlah kau ciptakan dia untukku
Walau dalam khayalan
Kau, Sahabat
Kala dunia menjauh
Kau menghampiri
Ketika ku bergerak mundur
Kau mendorongku untuk melaju
hanya ada satu sosok ialah SAHABAT
Miss You So Badly
I miss your smile
I miss the way you looked at me
I miss you treated me well
Now, I’m really missing you, beib
So badly