Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Analisis Gaya Bahasa Iklan HYUNDAI ✿◕‿◕✿


Lexical Features of Advertising Language
Use of First and Second Personal Pronouns
Pronouns of the first and second person: “we”, “I” and “you” outnumber the other pronouns in advertisements. It is because that “you”, “we” and “I” help create a friend-like intimate atmosphere to move and persuade the audience. Advertisements with lots of pronouns of the first and second person are called gossip advertisements. Here, gossip has not the least derogative meaning. It originates from old English god sib, meaning friendly chats between women. Advertisements that go like talking with friends closely link the advertisement and the audience. The audience will easily accept a product, a service or an idea as if a good friend recommended them. The use of second person addressee “you” tends to shorten the distance between the product or the producer and consumers, as if the producer or the ad is speaking to you face to face, making sincere promises, honest recommendations. In so doing, the ad slogans stand a better chance to move the receiver or customers to action, because the receiver feels that he is being thought of and taken care of and he is the center point of the producers.

John dan Sebastian Cabot

John Cabot lahir di Genoa, Italia (1450-1498). Sebagai pedagang ia lebih senang menetap di Bristol, Inggris. Pelayarannya telah sampai pantai Amerika Utara, kemungkinan ia telah mendarat di benua Amerika, sebelum ditemukan Columbus. Bersama anaknya Sebastian  mengarungi samudra dengan harapan menemukan jalur peradagangan baru ke Asia Tenggara. Tetapi yang ditemukannya mungkin New Foundland atau Labrador.pada tahun berikutnya mereka kembali berlayar, kali ini lebih jauh lagi menyusuri pantai Amerika Selatan. Tetapi sayang dia meninggal dunia di perjalanan sebelum ia tiba kembali ke Bristol. Kemudian tahun 1509 penjelajahan dilanjutkan Sebastian dimulai dari Bristol (Inggris). Dia mencari lintasan barat laut menuju ke China, hingga sampai ke Teluk Hudson. Ketika ia bekerja untuk Spanyol, ia mendarat di sungai Plate dan Parana di Amerika Selatan. Dan Sebastian tiba kembali ke Bristol (Inggris) tahun 1548.

PARTINGS (Ucapan-ucapan Perpisahan)

See you!
                Sampai bertemu lagi!
See you on Saturday!
                Sampai bertemu lagi hari Sabtu!
So long!
Sampai bertemu lagi
Better luck next time!
                Mudah-mudahan lain kali lebih berhasil!
Good bye!
                Selamat jalan; Selamat tinggal!
                Selamat jalan; Selamat tinggal!
Good luck!
                Semoga sukses!
See you again!
                Sampai jumpa lagi!
God bless you!
Semoga Tuhan memberkahimu!
See you tomorrow!
                Sampai bertemu besok!
See you tonight!
                Sampai jumpa nanti malam!
See you in the next opportunity!
Sampai berjumpa dalam kesempatan yang akan datang!
Send my word to my mother!
Kirimkan kabar saya kepada ibu saya!
Send my greetings to your family!
Sampaikan salam saya kepada keluarga anda!
Give her my regards!
Sampaikan salamku kepadanya
Please send my best regards to your sister!
Sampaikan salam hangatku kepada saudaramu!
Come whenever you like!
Datanglah kapan saja anda mau!
I hope u come again next week!
Saya harap anda datang lagi minggu depan!