There are four methods that fit within the comprehension Approach is Winitz and Reed’s self instructional program and The Learnable. In this method, students listen to the tape recorded words, phrases, and sentences while they look at accompanying pictures. The meaning of the utterance is clear from the context the picture provides. The students are asked to respond in some way, such as pointing to each picture to as it is described, to show that they understand the language to which they are listening, but they do not speak. Stories illustrated by pictures are also use as a device to convey abstract meaning.
The fourth method is Comprehensions Approach are in put into practice by James Asher’s Total Physical Response (TPR), is the one we will examine in detail here in order to see how the principles of the Comprehensions Approach. On the basis of his research, Asher reasoned that the fastest, least stressful way to achieve understanding of any target language is to follow directions uttered by the instructor (without native language translation). We will learn about TPR through our usual way of observing a class in which it is being used. The class is located in Sweden. It is beginning class for thirty Grade 5 students.
Minggu, 18 April 2010
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