Jumat, 30 April 2010

Cinta Khayalan

Dahulu aku berpikir
Dahulu aku bermimpi
Dahulu aku menanti
Sebuah cinta yang  tumbuh dihati
Walaupun ku tak tahu cinta apakah itu?

Kini ku tlah sadar
Kini aku tlah terbangun dari,
Cinta yang selama ini kurasakan

Indahnya cinta yang  kurasa
Bagai awan di atas cahaya
Bagai bintang yang benderang
Walau sukar untuk kugapai semua itu

Tapi trima kasih Tuhan
Tlah kau sempurnakan
Tlah kau ciptakan dia untukku
Walau dalam khayalan

Jumat, 23 April 2010

The Risks of Abortion (Case in Britain)

According to David A Viniker MD FRCOG, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Whipps Cross University Hospital, London, Abortion (also referred to as pregnancy termination) means expulsion of a pregnancy before the fetus (baby) is viable (capable of survival outside the womb). This contrasts with the lay view, which usually assumes that an abortion means that the pregnancy has been deliberately terminated. A spontaneous abortion (Miscarriage) means that the pregnancy has been lost as a result of a natural process. Many of us find the terms 'miscarriage' or 'early pregnancy loss' to be more user friendly.

In the UK there are strict legal criteria that permit a doctor to terminate a pregnancy. When a pregnancy is terminated by someone who is not medically qualified the termination is illegal (illegal abortion).

The risks of abortion
Abortion and Preterm Birth:
Women who undergo one or more induced abortions carry a significantly increased risk of delivering prematurely in the future. Premature delivery is associated with higher rates of cerebral palsy, as well as other complications of prematurity (brain, respiratory, bowel, and eye problems).
(The writer: It brings potentially risks such as complications of prematurity (brain, respiratory, bowel, and eye problems) if women do an induced abortion).
Abortion and Breast Cancer:
Medical experts are still researching and debating the linkage between abortion and breast cancer. Here are some important facts:

* Carrying your first pregnancy to full term gives protection against breast cancer. Choosing abortion causes loss of that protection.
* A number of reliable studies have concluded that there may be a link between abortion and the later development of breast cancer.

A 1994 study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found: “Among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women.”
(The writer: According to some medical experts, they find some significant facts about the relation between abortion and breast cancer. A 1994 study in the Journal of the National Cancer institute revealed that women who had been undergone an induced abortion is more being potential have the risks of breast cancer)
Emotional and Psychological Impact:
There is evidence that abortion is associated with a decrease in both emotional and physical health. For some women these negative emotions may be very strong, and can appear within days or after many years. This psychological response is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. Some of the symptoms are:

* Eating disorders
* Relationship problems
* Guilt
* Depression
* Flashbacks of abortion
* Suicidal thoughts
* Sexual dysfunction
* Alcohol and drug abuse

(The writer: From the available prove, abortion is related to emotional and physical health. It has tendency if some women with in such negative emotions and it will bring psychological influence i.e. post-traumatic disorder within days or after many years. The symptomatic disorders are eating disorder, relationship problems, guilt, depression, flashback of abortion, suicidal thought, sexual dysfunction, alcohol and drug abuse (drop addict).)
Complications may arise from a termination
Complications are rare if the pregnancy is terminated within 10 weeks. So, if a woman suspects that she is pregnant, and does not want to continue with the pregnancy, she should contact a doctor or clinic as soon as possible.
There is no such thing as an operation or procedure that is completely risk-free. Termination of pregnancy, whether medical or surgical, is a safe procedure but complications are possible.
The most common complications are described below.

After abortion it is normal to bleed for a couple of days. After that, the bleeding will decrease for a couple of weeks. A period will, in most cases, occur after five to six weeks. If the woman bleeds more heavily than she would normally, it could be because her uterus has not been emptied completely. If this is the case she should ask a doctor to examine her. This complication applies to both medical and surgical terminations.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

If a woman develops an unpleasant vaginal discharge, a temperature and abdominal pains, she should contact a doctor. Inflammation can occur if the womb has not been emptied properly, or if bacteria have got into it during the operation. The inflammation is treated with antibiotics. If some tissue still remains in the uterus, it may be necessary to remove it with a new evacuation of the womb.

It is normal to have mild pain across the lower abdomen for the first couple of days after a termination. If the pain is not reduced by normal painkillers the woman should contact a doctor.

Puncture of the uterus
During a surgical termination, inserting the suction device may occasionally make a hole in the uterus. If the doctor suspects this, the operation will be stopped and the patient will be kept in hospital for observation. This complication is rare and does not happen in medical terminations.
(The writer : When woman decide to do abortion or termination of pregnancy although in appropriate procedures whether in medical or surgical, it is not impossible that woman will get such complication risks. The most common complications as the following:
◊Bleeding: in many cases, after a woman did abortion, it is possible occurring a bleeding in a few days whether in normally or heavily. It might be caused her womb has not been cleaned entirely.
◊Pelvic inflammatory disease: women have potentially suffering this disease. It may be such bacteria is coming down the womb or uterus.
◊Pain: after termination, woman usually feels abdomen mild pain. She should contact a contact a doctor, if the pain is getting worse and worse.
◊Puncture of the uterus: woman will be giving the suction to make a hole in the mouth of womb. It might cause complications though it is rare happened in medical termination.)

Abortion 'leaves mental legacy'

(BBC News) University of Oslo researchers compared 40 women who had had a miscarriage with 80 who chose to have an abortion.
Miscarriage was associated with more mental distress in the six months after the loss of a baby - but abortion had a much longer lasting negative effect.
Pro-choice campaigners said there was no evidence abortion directly caused psychological trauma.
The researchers said their work underlined the importance of giving women information about the psychological effects of losing a baby - through either miscarriage or abortion.
The Oslo team found that, after 10 days, 47.5% of women who had miscarried suffered from some degree of mental distress compared with 30% of the abortion group.
The proportion of women who had a miscarriage suffering distress decreased during the study period, to 22.5% at six months and to just 2.6% at two years and five years.
But among the abortion group 25.7% were still experiencing distress after six months, and 20% at five years.
The researchers also said that women who had an abortion had to make an effort to avoid thinking about the event.
(The writer: Separating between miscarriage and abortion, researchers from University of Oslo said that women who have been doing abortion will leave negative effect and they also said there are 30% some degree of mental distress because of thinking about abortion problem at all times or feeling guilty.)

Complex response
The researchers, led by Anne Nordal Broen, said the responses of the women in the miscarriage group were similar to those expected after a traumatic life event. However, the abortion group had more complex responses.
Richard Warren, from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said : "It has always been considered, and this study also shows, that the decision to terminate may bring with it long-standing feelings of anxiety and guilt.
"While most women are able to manage and cope with these feelings, when necessary, the need for ongoing support and counselling should be recognised and appropriate help given."
Anna Pringle, from the anti-abortion charity Life, said: "This confirms years of experience with women who come to us for counselling after abortion. "The emotional suffering can be massive."
(The writer: Annie Nordal Broan said that the abortion classification had more complex responses. Richard Warren said that when a woman made a decision to do abortion, it will bring feelings of anxiety and guilt in long time. Therefore, such a counselling should be given for women with this feeling to help them)

Thoughtful decision
However, a spokeswoman for the British Pregnancy Advisory Service - the UK's leading provider of abortion services - said most women weighed up the consequences fully before opting for an abortion.
"We don't see that many women for post-abortion counselling.
"We offer that service but women very rarely come back because they are able to cope with it by themselves."
A spokeswoman for the Family Planning Association, said: "There is no evidence to suggest that abortion directly causes psychological trauma.
"Women can experience mixed feelings after an abortion such as relief or sadness.
"These are natural reactions and few women experience long-term problems."
(The writer: According to a spokeswoman for the British Pregnancy Advisory Advice, most of women are in heavy burden to think over some consequences before intending to do abortion. We can see her statement in a quote: “we offer that service but women very rarely come back because they are able to cope with it by themselves.” We can also see a spokeswoman’s statement for the family planning Association said, “women can experience mixed feelings after an abortion such as relief or sadness”)

Abortion risk to a woman's health
Your doctors will give you further information about the risks associated with having an abortion, but for the most part they are minimal. The later an abortion occurs in a pregnancy the greater the chances of a complication, but only rarely do women experience:

* Excessive bleeding
* Damage to the cervix or womb
* Post-abortion infection that brings with it fever, discharge, bleeding or abdominal pain

Abortions are safe and legal medical procedures in England, Scotland and Wales, though simply because they are legal does not mean they should be treated lightly. If you are considering having an abortion, seek confidential medical advice from your GP or local clinic, and they will refer you as needed.
No matter how you feel about your pregnancy, remember that health professionals will help you decide what is best for you.
(The writer: As women experience information that has been explained by some doctors about the risks related with doing abortion. The risks are:

-Excessive bleeding
-Damage to the cervix or womb
-Post-abortion infection

Although abortion is legal in England, Scotland, and Wales, if it is also performed in medical procedures, but it does not mean that it is lightly thing for women. If you intend to do an abortion, you should follow the medical advise in local clinic or GP, they will help your needed.)
Abortion and its mental health 'risks'
By Ellie Lee (author of Abortion, Motherhood and Mental Health: Medicalizing Reproduction in the Britain)
'Abortion exposes women to higher risk of depression' asserted the headline to an article in the news section of The Times published on October 27. 'Risks of abortion' was the title given to a letter signed by 15 doctors published on the same day that provoked this news story.
The Times letter asserts that recently published research provides definitive evidence that abortion and the development of psychiatric conditions are causally linked. Those who signed the letter claim on this basis that the practice of abortion providers in Britain should be altered and women seeking abortion should be informed that terminating pregnancy places them at risk of mental ill health. This media coverage of the abortion issue tells us little about what we might learn from attempts made by academics to consider the relationship between reproductive events and women's state of mind. It tells us, rather, about the current state of the abortion debate and those opposed to abortion participating in it.
The study to which the letter refers was published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and is titled 'Abortion in young women and subsequent mental health'. It concludes the following: 'The findings suggest that abortion in young women may be associated with increased risks of mental health problems'. For those who take research seriously, this single line suggests very different conclusions to those presented in The Times.
(The writer: Abortion brings higher risks of depression for women. There are definite evidence from researcher who is asserted in The Times letter that development of psychiatric conditions are casually related. They who acclaim the letter, it is an obligatory to inform women about the risks of doing abortion or termination of pregnancy such as risk of mental ill health. This media gives us information about the relationship between reproductive events and women’s condition made by academics.
In the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry entitled ‘ Abortion in young women and subsequent mental health’ contents suggestion that abortion in young woman circle may caused risk of mentalhealth problems)

When an abortion should be done
In accordance with The Abortion Act 1967, an abortion must be carried out before 24 weeks of pregnancy. However, there are a few situations when the law states that an abortion may be carried out later. The law states that an abortion is legal after 24 weeks:

* if it is necessary to save the woman's life,
to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical, or mental, health of the pregnant woman, or
* if there is substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped.

Generally, an abortion should be carried out as early in the pregnancy as possible (ideally, before 12 weeks), and those performed after 24 weeks are rare. The majority of abortions (90%) are carried out before 13 weeks, and virtually all (98%) are performed before 20 weeks. The earlier an abortion is carried out, the easier, and safer, the procedure is to perform. However, you must be given enough time to consider all your options so that you are as comfortable as possible with your decision.
To work out how many weeks pregnant you are, the calculation is usually made from the first day of your last period. If the exact stage of pregnancy is unclear, an ultrasound scan may be used.
(The writer: In the UK it is legal for termination to be carried out up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. The most of abortion about 90% are carried out before 13 weeks, and almost all (98%) are done before 20 weeks. Exceptional reason:
-It is legal if the earlier a termination is carried out to the save woman’s life.
- The law states agree that the abortion can be carried out if they make this decision if they believe there is a greater risk to the woman's mental or physical health if she continues with the pregnancy than if she has an abortion.

Minggu, 18 April 2010

Total Physical Response

There are four methods that fit within the comprehension Approach is Winitz and Reed’s self instructional program and The Learnable. In this method, students listen to the tape recorded words, phrases, and sentences while they look at accompanying pictures. The meaning of the utterance is clear from the context the picture provides. The students are asked to respond in some way, such as pointing to each picture to as it is described, to show that they understand the language to which they are listening, but they do not speak. Stories illustrated by pictures are also use as a device to convey abstract meaning.

The fourth method is Comprehensions Approach are in put into practice by James Asher’s Total Physical Response (TPR), is the one we will examine in detail here in order to see how the principles of the Comprehensions Approach. On the basis of his research, Asher reasoned that the fastest, least stressful way to achieve understanding of any target language is to follow directions uttered by the instructor (without native language translation). We will learn about TPR through our usual way of observing a class in which it is being used. The class is located in Sweden. It is beginning class for thirty Grade 5 students.

Kamis, 15 April 2010

Community Language Learning

Community Language Learning is a method that teachers consider their students as a whole person. It means that teachers consider not only their students’ intellect, but also have some understanding of the relationship among students’ feeling, physical reactions, instructive protection reactions, and desire to learn. According to Charles A. Curran that studied adult learning for many years. He believed that a way to deal with the fears of students is for teachers to become language counsellors; it means someone who is skilful understander of the struggle student’s face as they attempt to internalize another language. By understanding students’ fear and being sensitive to them, he can help students overcome their negative feelings and turn them into positive energy to further their learning. There are six elements necessary for no defensive learning according to Curran, i.e., security, aggression, reflection, retention, and discrimination (sorting out the differences among target language forms).

Tips Diet Sehat

1.       Anda harus mengerti hal cara kerja tubuh dan makanan yang cocok untuk melakukan diet.
2.     Janganlah berpikir diet berarti anda tidak makan sama sekali, hal tersebut bisa membahayakan diri anda.
3.     Makanlah dalam jumlah porsi yang cukup yang diperlukan tubuh anda.
4.     Hindarilah memakan makanan yang banyak mengandung kolesterol, lemak, seperti junk food, gula berlebih, dan minuman bersoda seperti fanta, sprit, coca cola,dll. Walupun makanan itu terasa nikmat, jangan sampai menganggu program diet anda. Yang enak belum tentu sehat kan.
5.     Makanlah makanan yang kaya akan serat supaya anda tidek mudah lapar, seperti sayur-sayuran segar, buah-buahan segar, dan agar-agar (jelly).
6.     Selalu lakukan olahraga teratur seperti jogging, fitness, gymnastic, bermain badminton, tennis, dll agar tubuh anda bisa tetap bugar dan tidak mudah lesu.
7.     Minumlah suplemen atau vitamin khusus agar stamina anda tetap terjaga.