Kamis, 15 April 2010

Community Language Learning

Community Language Learning is a method that teachers consider their students as a whole person. It means that teachers consider not only their students’ intellect, but also have some understanding of the relationship among students’ feeling, physical reactions, instructive protection reactions, and desire to learn. According to Charles A. Curran that studied adult learning for many years. He believed that a way to deal with the fears of students is for teachers to become language counsellors; it means someone who is skilful understander of the struggle student’s face as they attempt to internalize another language. By understanding students’ fear and being sensitive to them, he can help students overcome their negative feelings and turn them into positive energy to further their learning. There are six elements necessary for no defensive learning according to Curran, i.e., security, aggression, reflection, retention, and discrimination (sorting out the differences among target language forms).

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